原创PE Newsletter – Swimming Lessons 多元体育活动——解锁游泳课程|新要闻

2023-06-25 09:48:48 来源:互联网

In ISA Tianhe, we focus on diversifying the curriculum and are committed to providing an enriched system that nurtures the development of the whole student. An integral part of the curriculum is the Physical curriculum. During this semester, the PE department provided several sports competitions and inter-school leagues for the students. Swimming lessons were also introduced for Year 1 and Year 2 students. The swimming programme took place each Tuesday and Friday, with the PE teachers taking the students to the Swimming Centre for approximately 40 minutes lesson.



Swimming is a skill for life that saves lives and provides physical exercise. Through swimming lessons, students developed the courage and mental strength to challenge themselves. In addition, swimming improves social skills and team collaboration skills. During swimming time, students must follow the rules, respect others and work closely with coaches and classmates to complete lessons. These experiences helped students to build good interpersonal relationships and develop a spirit of cooperation and teamwork.


This semester the Year 1 and 2 pupils have taken part in swimming lessons that have built on the pupil’s water confidence and swimming technique. The swimming lesson ended with much excitement as the pupils took part in their first ISA gala. In the year 1 gala Eitan won all his events to take the gold medal, Evan achieved silver and Paxton was awarded the bronze. For the girls Isabelle won gold, Anita achieved silver and Ru was awarded bronze. In the year two gala Rambo came first in all his events to take the gold medal, George came a close second and Tony finished third. In the girls’ competition, Audrey won the gold, Clara silver and Angela bronze. All the pupils should be congratulated for all their effort over the last nine weeks.


Year 1 一年级

Evan, Eitan, Paxton

Anita, Isabelle, Ru

Year 2 二年级

George, Rambo, Tony

Clara, Audre, Angela

As the academic year comes to a close, the PE dept would like to wish all the pupils a happy holiday and to remind them to stay active doing things that are fun, physical and enjoyable. The PE dept are looking forward to welcoming the pupils back in August and building on their previous understanding and physical skills.


Written by文章作者

Mr. Dean

PE Teacher & PE Coordinator

体育教师 & 体育协调员



